Friday, March 11, 2016

Oedipus 1

 As Oedipus the King begins we are immediately thrown into the world and explained the conflict. Oedipus is a new ruler to his land, following the late King Laius. King Laius one day was found dead, and thus a new ruler, Oedipus, was found. However, after many pleas by the people and messages from the priest, it is found that Oedipus' people are dealing with tough times. They are cursed with famine and plague. As Oedipus truly cares for his people, he sends his step brother Creon to the temples to speak with the gods. He is informed that the is unrest because no justice has been brought to the late kind Laius' killers. Oedipus thus vows to discover their identities and bring them to justice so to help his people.

In true Greek play style, the main conflict and overall goal is displayed in the first couple pages. It is shown as an almost murder mystery/revenge story, and will probably play out with common themes as one. Just as Mystic River, a tale inspired by Greek literature, ended in tragedy and a symbolic connection to a past conflict, I believe the same will happen here. While I obviously haven't read far yet, I will predict based on the central story it is playing out, that an attack such as the one towards Laius will occur to Oedipus, and the play will end in a bitter but somehow sweet way. Even if he isn't attacked like Laius, It's safe to say that he will face hardships in death as most Greek plays undergo.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The connection between Mystic River and "Oedipus the King" provide an excellent example of how common themes such as mystery/revenge can be shared. By identifying the theme within Mystic River, there is a possibility that "Oedipus the King" may also share that same theme, for they both contain a Greek play style. Your prediction of what might occur within "Oedipus the King" is accurate, there could also be a twist, for Greek play writers can be very unpredictable at times. Overall, it is in fact safe to say that Oedipus will face struggles, for every Greek play contains a character that experiences difficult situations.

  3. I enjoyed your connection between Oedipus and Mystic River. It is clear that the main conflict in the story will be Oedipus' struggle with maintaining his secret of killing Laius. Eventually he will be caught (perhaps by Creon) and killed to end the plague.

  4. I like how you related Oedipus to Mystic River. Both stories seem to be following the same trail as both had characters that held hubris pride. The murder in both stories also seem to be unknown although signs point to certain characters. The murder remains unknown as the story progresses in each.
