Monday, March 7, 2016

Mystic River Question #5

Jimmy spends his entire adulthood attempting to escape from his past regret. He never forgave himself for allowing Dave to get in the car when he was younger, and uses is future to get rid of that regret. This guilt stays with him when he is an adult and his daughter dies. He blames himself and doesn't want to live with the fact that he let his daughter die. In attempt, to escape his guilt, he needs to find her killer and bring his life to an end. Jimmy's fate was to live with guilt his whole life. The way Jimmy wants to save himself from his fate of a guilt-filled life, he searches for Katie's killer. Jimmy is under the impression that Dave killed his daughter and continues to put his life to an end. Shortly after doing what he thought would remove guilt from his life, Jimmy was told Dave was truly not the killer and then had even more guilt piled on top of his shoulders. In a deranged attempt to change his fate, he only made it worse. He was destined to live with guilt ever since he was a young boy and he wasn't able to change that because of the rumors that misled him. his childhood guilt and guilt after Katie died led him to jumping to conclusion far before he should have. This cost him an old friend's life, and a bearable future. He would have been able to live with his daughter's death now that the killers were caught, but his wrong doing makes his fate worse then before.

1 comment:

  1. I liked how you analyzed Jimmy's life in such great detail. Overall, I was convinced that Jimmy is not that bad of a person. It's just he was destined to live the life he did and you explained that well.
