Friday, March 11, 2016

Blog Post #2

Oedipus is an admirable leader for the city of Thebes. He indubitably cares for his people; he “wept through the nights” (77) while trying to concoct a plan to help save them from the plague. Before the citizens begged him to help, Oedipus had already sent Creon to find a solution to the predicament. He is on top of things and is determined to take immediate action. During the play, Oedipus’s deterministic personality shines through. When Creon tells him how to save Thebes, Oedipus immediately offers a “handsome award” (265) to anyone who has information about the murder of Laius. He even places a prolong curse on the murderer exclaiming that no matter who he is, he will not get away with it, and he will have a “life in agony” (282). Oedipus’s determination makes him a great leader, but it may also be his flaw. When he finally talks with the prophet, Oedipus quickly loses his temper. Oedipus certainly wants answers, but when he found out that Tiresias would not talk, he becomes enraged. Caught up in trying to help his people and to seek justice for Laius’s death, Oedipus declares Tiresias to be nothing but the “scum of the earth” (380). Finally when Tiresias tells him the truth, Oedipus accuses him of lying. Instead of talking rationally to Tiresias, Oedipus just throws insults at the man. Tiresias is well known for seeing “with the eyes of Lord Apollo” (323), but still, Oedipus hastily loses respect for the prophet. Even though Oedipus, as a whole, is a commendable king, he is not perfect. His short-temper and determination may end up being his flaw, just like Jimmy in Mystic River.


  1. Oedipus doesn't cope well when others tell him things he doesn't want to hear. Donald Trump is similar to Oedipus, he insults his fellow candidates and accuses them of being liars. Like Oedipus, Trump's flaw is also being short-tempered and doesn't allow others to voice their opinions.

  2. Not only does it seem that Oedipus's determination and short-temper are his tragic flaw, but it, too, is apparent that his hubris will lead to his downfall. Determination can easily result into a leader who is driven towards success. On the contrary, hubris can result in a leader who steers away from greatness. Oedipus has the potential to be negatively affected from his excessive pride.

  3. Overabundance of pride and determination are common forms of hamartia in ancient Greek literature. It would not surprise most readers if either of these were to be Oedipus' downfall. His introduction is so great and powerful that one can only imagine he extend of the fall to come.
