Monday, March 7, 2016

Mystic River, Question 4

A character in Mystic River who experienced a fall from fortune is Dave. It all started when Dave was younger and he went into the fake undercover agent’s car. In his childhood, Dave had experienced a very traumatic event so he never had a childhood to branch off of in his later years, which is why, late, Jimmy accuses him of killing his daughter. Jimmy thought that since he and Sean let Dave get in that car, and in that car alone, that her would get revenge by killing his daughter.

Near the end of the movie, Dave meets his true fall when Jimmy takes the accusation too far and kills him. Jimmy had every right to think that Dave killed his daughter, especially since he kept changing up the story about how he got the cut on his hand, but Jimmy did not have to take it as far as killing Dave. Jimmy’s desire for avenging Katie’s death was taken into his own hands and he killed the wrong man for that. Dave should not have kept changing the story because if he had told Sean the truth in the beginning, he would not have had Jimmy accuse him of Katie’s murder and he also would not have had his wife be terrified of him, also thinking that he had actually killed Katie. Dave had actually killed a child molester and he would have probably been commended for doing so. Dave probably did not tell anyone because he had a flashback to when he was running away from the men (who were most likely child molesters)who took him.


  1. Dave's fall is not his fault. It all started when he was a child getting into that car. He was a little kid and did not know any better than to listen to a "cop". Because he got into the car he became mentally unstable which furthered is fall. to the point where he is murdered by Jimmy.

  2. I agree with your statement that Dave should not have kept changing his story. He basically dug himself into a hole and made Jimmy and Sean think he was the one who murdered Katie. He even had his wife convinced that he was responsible for Katie’s death. It makes sense that Jimmy would believe he killed his daughter, because he assumed that Dave was seeking his own revenge on Jimmy for allowing him to be kidnapped as a child.

  3. Dave's fall is caused as much by his own actions as those of others. Yes, Jimmy deals the final blow, but Dave, as Victoria said, "dug himself into a hole" by constantly doubting himself and allowing others to believe him guilty. Also, the blame for Dave's fall could even be traced back to his captors. After all, he wouldn't have been damaged enough to get himself into that situation if he'd never been kidnapped. It's intriguing there are so many sources which contributed to Dave's demise.
