Monday, March 7, 2016

Mystic River Post

The film Mystic River represents the classic Greek tragedy. A movie full of pain and accusations that even lead through decades earlier when one of the three main characters, Dave was taken into a car by a stranger while his childhood friends and also the two other main characters of the movie Sean, and Jimmy stood their and watched. Dave was never the same after that. The movie takes a major turn when Jimmy's daughter is found brutally murdered. Immediately, Jimmy is devastated. That was his beloved first child. He loved her the most but wouldn't admit it. He vows to find her murderer and kill that person himself. This is where Sean, a childhood friend steps in being a detective that is on this case. Somehow this decades long tension comes out and all eyes are pointed at Dave who is the likely suspect for this murder. He fits all the right requirements but just as life intends he has to die. Jimmy kept his word but certainly did not pick the correct person to kill. It turned out to be a disturbed teenager that is brothers with Katies boyfriend. It seems very sick that someone would do that. In the end Jimmy killed an innocent person and lost his daughter but had to continue on in life somehow. Mystic River is certainly not the type of movie you walk out of the movies after and feel good about yourself. Instead you feel the eternal misery that was present in the movie. It gives its audience an emotional depression.


  1. I liked that you mentioned many key components of a Greek tragedy. How jimmy loved his first born the best, how the childhood friends managed to all find each other later in life and how jimmy killed the innocent person. The tragedy is full of twists and turns and sure leaves me "emotionally depressed." ;)

  2. So I understand how this connects to Greek tragedy, as you state that the end doesn't hold a true happy ending, however I feel like you need to look deeper into it. You only summarized it, without going much into how it connects to more than just being sad. Certainly it connects in the sense of being a revenge story, the death and gain of a daughter, etc, so It's more than just a sad tragedy.
