Monday, March 7, 2016

Blog Post #1 Mystic River #3

             Jimmy Markum wants to do right for his daughter. He must find Katie’s killer because of his love for her, but a German proverb says: Revenge converts a little right into a great wrong. Jimmy must have revenge on Katie’s killer and he will not stop until it is done. In his quest for revenge he is too quick to assume as he kills his innocent friend Dave with no proof. He later finds out Dave is not the killer. Jimmy then has to live with that guilt and cloud above his head for the rest of his life. He thinks he is doing the right thing—protecting and loving his daughter. He does not get all the facts and does not trust Dave to tell the truth. He kills an innocent man and this is a great wrong.                                                                                                                              Jimmy assumes that since Dave was kidnapped, his mind is messed up and he is now inclined to act violently. Jimmy’s actions and past that are revealed throughout the movie portray him as a more angry man than Dave is. The events Dave went through made him more protective and vulnerable, but Jimmy was changed the second he didn’t get in that car. He is filled with guilt and frustration that he takes out on everyone else. He feels he must eliminate all sources of this anger. Dave seems to be the root of all of Jimmy’s madness and that is why he is eventually killed. Jimmy doesn’t realize that Dave is innocent and now he will never be able to get rid of his guilt.

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