Monday, March 7, 2016

Blog Post 1

Mystic River tells the tale of 3 former friends and their lives after an incident in their childhood drifts them apart. To put it simply, this story is comparable to a murder mystery. However, what separates this from every other murder mystery, is its ability to connect the future to the incident in the past, and its deeply rooted Greek themes. The first instance of alluding to the abduction comes when Jimmy is being questioned by Sean. He states that after that day everything changed and Dave has never been the same. This will eventually lead to the climax, in which Jimmy, pent up with rage and an unclear head, murders an innocent Dave. Now sadly, I was not there for this climax. I was informed of what i missed through another person explaining it. Several "and then like"s later, I can only presume that the reason this was the end result, was due to unsettled thoughts of blame and psychological trauma. To go further into detail, we must assume what happened after the incident. From the scene when they were kids after the kidnapping, Dave shut his blinds and didn't come out to talk to his friends. We can concur that throughout the years, these 3 kids never talked much about it and grew apart, leaving Jimmy to think that Dave still held at grudge on him for not helping him before he was taken. Thus making Jimmy truly believe that Dave could have done this to hurt him for what he didn't do in the past. As for the Greek themes, to not go over the word limit, it includes the loss of one daughter and the addition of another, the loss of innocence, and a tragic ending.

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