Monday, March 28, 2016

post #4

At the end of the story Oedipus has fulfilled the prophecy that was foretold to him, despite his best efforts to attempt to avoid them. even though all his actions led him to fulfill the prophecy like leaving his kingdom to attempt to avoid his true parents but he than finds himself in his birth city where he runs into his parents, killing his father and marrying his mother. once he realized what he has done than he blinds himself in attempt to avoid the physical pain that is to be seen. overall in doing so he almost in a way transforms himself into the bind prophet that told him his prophecy in the beginning of the play.

1 comment:

  1. I never thought of how the physical appearance of Oedipus has changed in the story. I like that you connected it to the prophet in the beginning, since Oedipus has been trying to avoid everything that prophet said. The story seems to focus in on the inner emotions of the city and the main characters, but their appearance is just as important.
